Friday, December 12, 2008

Its raining, its pouring ... wait! is that .... SNOW?

Well, on Wednesday I had this horrible cold. It was raining outside and I was miserable. My girls and I were up in my bedroom, and they were playing with the blinds, so I drew them up. And to my shock and amazement, it was SNOWING! WOW!!!

Unfortunately, our area did not get much. It was about 3pm, so Ryan did not get to see it. It had stopped by the time he got home. At about 5pm some more flakes came down, so he barely got to see snow. He was so excited!

At my parents house it actually stuck to the ground. If I had know that, I would have packed everyone up and went. Oh well.

It was very exciting! We do not get snow often. This is the second time since I moved here 9 years ago.

And today it is in the 70's.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is wonderful. What a fabulous holiday treat. I mean right now we have too much of it, but thats to be expected. But you are in Texas! Wow. Hope it happens again.